
Programs for Educators

The role of educators is inevitably changing. In the past, the teacher’s job was to close the knowledge gap between what students know and what they need to know, and to manage their students in a highly structured, hierarchical context. This is no longer the case. In our disruptive world, educators are expected to act as teachers, consultants, coaches, psychologists all at once. On a daily basis teachers inspire, motivate, care, teach and learn from their students. A demanding role that can become exhausting when curriculum pressure and disengaged students are combined. The coaching methodology and tools support teachers’ well-being and improve their capacity to connect with their students and lead them with influence into achieving best results.

We invite educators who want to increase their impact through their work, improve their personal wellbeing and lead by example to join one of our programs or to invite a Youngstars training to their school for them and their colleagues.


Elena Michael is

  • the local partner of Coach Masters Academy 
    Coach Masters Academy (Singapore) is an organization with a long tradition and proven results in its science-based approach to coaching. Courses build on empirical research and practical field work and delivered through a well-supported framework with trainings in person and online.
  • a Certified Expert of the Points-of-You Academy 
    Points of You Academy (POY creates innovative tools and trainings for professional and personal development and offers programs through certified experts to more than 100,000 people across the globe in more than 25 languages.
  • a collaborator of Metamathesis 
    Metamathesis is an educational organization that offers trainings for educators including the international certification for Neurolinguistic Programming – PROTON NLP Practitioner Certification.

POY: Hello Points Workshop (L.1_6 hours) – Explore & Sparkle!

This workshop offers educators the opportunity to meet themselves and others from new perspectives and to experience the power of coaching. To experience a process of expanding, focusing and action taking. This right brain/left brain experience gives teachers more ways and tools to connect with their students and to reach further in their teaching.

POY: Creative Practice Workshop (L.2_16hrs) It is all about Potential!An experiential and practical approach through which participants use diverse techiques to open up their potential, explore their strengths and their limitations, create a wish-list that connects them to their future self and find ways to take action in that direction.

NeuroLearningPower – is a teaching excellence method that combines teacher and student emotional empowerment with the latest discoveries in the neuroscience of learning to promote powerfully positive institutions. 

Coaching for Educators (12 hrs) Educators can benefit from coaching tools in achieving better connections with their students and greater influence thus leading them to better results and personal fulfilment. This can be achieved through the Core Traini

POY: Hello Points Workshop (L.1) – Explore & Sparkle!

This workshop offers participants the opportunity to meet themselves and others from new perspectives and to experience the power of coaching. To experience a process of mindfulness, expanding, focusing and action taking. This right brain/left brain experience gives participants more ways and tools to connect with their team and have a bigger impact with those arounds them.

POY: Creative Practice Workshop (L.2) – It’s all about Potential!

Discover your potential! An experiential and practical approach through which participants use diverse techiques to open up their potential, explore their strengths and their limitations, create a wish-list that connects them to their future self and find ways to take action in that direction.


is a teaching excellence method that combines teacher and student emotional empowerment with the latest discoveries in the neuroscience of learning to promote sustainable learning. It addresses educators in both primary and secondary education.

Coaching – Core Training

This program addresses participants who want to: gain a deeper understanding of coaching and change their mindset and their prospects guide and support their team, integrate coaching skills into their workplace for best results

Learn about Opportunities for

Subsidized Training