
Programs for Businesses

Programs for Teenagers

Youngstars programs offer opportunities for children to foster awareness, confidence and self-efficacy and to develop skills that are highly valued in the marketplace.

Programs for Educators

The role of educators is inevitably changing. In the past, the teacher’s job was to close the knowledge gap between what students know and what they need to know, and to manage their students in a highly structured, hierarchical context

Programs For Businesses

We love to design programs to serve the specific requirements of the people we are servicing and we invite our clients to co-design with us.

We love to design programs to serve the specific requirements of the people we are servicing and we invite our clients to co-design with us.

Our branded coaching programs with Coach Masters Academy and Points-of-You Academy, as well as our tailored programs that are designed to meet our clients’ goals, contribute to the personal development of participants and their alignment with their company’s goals, leading to higher productivity and better job satisfaction.

In addition to the above, we design CSR programs and actions that have a positive social impact while at the same time help organizations develop their personnel and build relationships of trust between internal and external stakeholders and clients.

We bring our knowledge and project management expertise to coordinate events that deliver measurable results and create impact.

As a corporate partner you can:

  • sponsor one of our existing programs to reach more young people,
  • participate in one our Mentored Internship Programs
  • team up with Youngstars to design and implement your own CSR program
  • grow your business by growing your people.

Want to Expand you CSR Programs?

Talk to us!